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Free shipping on orders over 6 bottles to mainland Portugal. 

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Quinta do Torrão

Brief history

It was with the construction of the section of the Douro line, between Quinta do Vesúvio and the Bulha stream, that the town of Freixo-Mós was created, where Quinta do Torrão was developed by António Augusto de Oliveira Mendes, a dynamic benefactor from Mosense.

Aí foram construídos edifícios e casas de apoio logístico aos trabalhadores que se ocupavam da construção da linha de ferro, hoje maioritariamente integradas na quinta que viria a ser adquirida por António Joaquim Costa, cuja liderança, desencadeou um novo período de expansão, em particular na exploração do Olival e da Vinha, assim como o desenvolvimento de marcas próprias como o Vinho do Porto FREIXO, o Vinho do Porto FREIXO Nº1 e o Porto Regional, com grande êxito à época, no comércio e exportação.

The Quinta was passed on to one of her daughters, "D. Cremilde", and at the end of the 20th century, to her granddaughter Maria Virginia, who together with her husband, Manuel Duarte Ramos, took over its management, progressively modernising the vineyard and olive grove. 

Porta da Quinta do Torrão - Quintas MVCA


Located in the heart of the upper Douro, in Lugar de Freixo-Mós, Freguesia das Mós, Municipality of VNF, Portugal, the quinta runs along the slopes of the Douro River, on the south bank, next to the Freixo-Mós railway station, with a steep slope ranging from 130 to 450 metres above sea level.


Located in the heart of the upper Douro, in Lugar de Freixo-Mós, Freguesia das Mós, Municipality of VNF, Portugal, the quinta runs along the slopes of the Douro River, on the south bank, next to the Freixo-Mós railway station, with a steep slope ranging from 130 to 450 metres above sea level.

A quinta desenvolve-se na margem do rio Douro numa área total de 35 ha, dos quais 14 ha estão hoje plantados com vinha, complementados por olival e amendoal.

Vineyard characteristics

Land framing

The vineyard is fully mechanised, set up on horizontal levels with earth slopes, with 1-2 rows of vines and a low planting density of around 3,000 - 3,500 plants/ha, requiring large plots to set up.


Conducted in a low, bilateral Royat-type cordon, with a bundle height of between 1.30 and 1.60 metres. The first wire is placed at about 0.6 m, followed by a single or double wire at 30-35 cm for the first topping of the shoots and a final one at the top, 1.40 - 1.50 m from the ground.


In line with the operations carried out in other regions, digging, redraining, empa, pruning, fertilising, phytosanitary treatments, pruning and grafting.


Touriga Franca, Touriga Nacional and Tinta Roriz predominate, complemented by Tinta Amarela, Mourisco and Tinta Barroca, among others.

New challenges

It has unique characteristics for the development of estate wines. Its altitude, exposure to the sun, proximity to the river and the way it is planted with a variety of grape varieties from the region give it the ideal characteristics for producing wines of choice. Thus, in 2022 the first parcel wine was born, Vinha Maria Virginia, created by winemaker Antonio Braga and expected to be commercialised in 2024.