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Free shipping on orders over 6 bottles to mainland Portugal. 

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Quinta de São Xisto

Brief history

Quinta do São Xisto, located in Ferradosa, was bought by António Joaquim Costa in 1912 to produce olive oil and Port wine.

Entre as marcas relacionadas com a quinta, destaca- se o “Azeite S. Xisto”, uma marca registada e que serviu de imagem ao azeite exportado diretamente pelo produtor.

A quinta foi depois transmitida a uma das sua filhas, a “Tia Mia”, e já no final do sec. XX, à sua neta Maria Virginia.

No início do sec. XXI, a quinta foi objeto de uma restruturação importante com a aposta no desenvolvimento da vinha, a partir da qual se veio a retomar em 2021 a produção de um vinho de quinta, o “D. Cremilde”, nome da mãe de Maria Virginia, como forma de homenagear o papel das mulheres que ao longo de gerações contribuíram para o legado da família.

Quinta São Xisto - Quintas MVCA


Located in the Douro region, Ferradosa, in the parish of Vale da Figueira, in the municipality of São João da Pesqueira, Portugal. The farm develops along the slope of the Douro river, on its left bank, next to the Ferradosa railway station, with a slope from 120 to 280 metres above sea level.


Located in the Douro region, Ferradosa, in the parish of Vale da Figueira, in the municipality of São João da Pesqueira, Portugal. The farm develops along the slope of the Douro river, on its left bank, next to the Ferradosa railway station, with a slope from 120 to 280 metres above sea level.

The Quinta extends over 42 hectares, with an extensive area of olive groves and 15 hectares of vineyards, until you reach the gates of the village of S. Xisto, where you'll find the main house, a chapel and several other houses for living and logistical support.

Vineyard characteristics

Land framing

The vineyard is fully mechanised, predominantly planted along the lines of the steepest slopes ('Vinha ao Alto'), with a planting density similar to that of traditional vineyards, in the order of 4,500 - 5,000 plants/ha. The remaining plots are set up on horizontal levels with earth slopes, with 1-2 rows of vines and a lower planting density of around 3,000 - 3,500 plants/ha, requiring larger plots for installation


Conducted in a low, unilateral Royat-type cordon, with a bundling height of between 1.30 and 1.60 metres. The first wire is placed at about 0.6 m, followed by a single or double wire at 30-35 cm for the first topping of the shoots and a final one at the top, 1.40 - 1.50 m from the ground.


In line with the operations carried out in other regions, digging, redraining, empa, pruning, fertilising, phytosanitary treatments, pruning and grafting.


Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta da Barca, Tinta Amarela, Mourisco, Rufete, Tinta Barroca, Tinta Carvalha e Tinta Pomar, entre outras.

New challenges

It was with the fourth generation of the family that the decision was made in 2021 to invest in the production of an estate wine, a Doc Douro / Tinto. To make this possible, oenologist/viticulturist Jorge Coutinho joined the project, leading the process of selecting the grapes, harvesting, vinification, maturation and ageing, right through to bottling. The name Dona Cremilde (Maria Virginia's mother) was chosen as a way of honouring the role of women who have contributed to the family legacy over the generations.